Partagé #2 – Lost & Found

Location: Brux – Freies Theater Innsbruck, Audioversum, Leokino, Kunstraum Innsbruck
Dates:December 2020/21 (postponed due to COVID-19 and ultimately shown only online)

The second edition of Plateau Partagé, titled Lost & Found’, presented a performance parcours that brought together four distinct works at BRUX / Freies Theater Innsbruck and Audioversum Innsbruck. The film Lost Lost Lost by Jonas Mekas, an icon of experimental cinema, represented the thematic heart of the event. The Venues were transformed into an interdisciplinary experience, which was ultimately recorded live and streamed in January 2022 via Echoräume, following two postponements and a significant COVID outbreak within the team. The screening at Leokino was accompanied by a lecture and introduction by Christophe Gnädig. Additionally, a workshop performance format was presented at Kunstraum Innsbruck.

Performance Parcours
BRUX / Freies Theater & Audioversum

Ausgeliehene Erde
Reading / Concert
Ebrahim Amini with Helal Kashefi

Oszilot – Konzert für verlorne Gegenstände
Sound Installation / Performance
Luc Gut, Rolf Hellat

Now you’re gone
Martin Fritz

nador after – secret training for underground cities
Performance / Contemporary Circus
Alexander Iwanov, Jana Kilbertus, Charlotte Le May, Verena Schneider

Supporting Program
Leokino Innsbruck

Jonas Mekas – Der Flaneur mit der Kamera

Lost Lost Lost – Jonas Mekas
Film Screening

Performance / Workshop
Margo Zālīte


More information  Plateau Partagé | Brux


Curation & Organization: Alexander Iwanov, Verena Schneider
Projectmanagement: Verena Schneider
Graphic Design: Anna Kohlweiß
Communication: Anna Maria Stiefmüller

Supported by: Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, State of Tyrol, City of Innsbruck
Production: Verein Freifall

Social Media

Verein Freifall
