Circus in the Gallery


During a one-week laboratory, artists Florinda Fürst and Verena Schneider contrasted their practices, culminating in a final presentation on November 15, 2018, at POOL 7 – Rudolphsplatz 9, 1010 Vienna.
Verena Schneider shared excerpts from her work Piece of a Pea, while Florinda Fürst presented her piece IGOR. Florinda Fürst focuses on the Roue Cyr, while Verena Schneider works with handstand, acro-dance, and the object of a pea can, exploring her personal approach to her practice and her relationship to food. The project aimed to foster an artistic encounter while bringing contemporary circus into a site-specific gallery space, exploring how this translates and what emerges from it.


Idea & Concept: Florinda Fürst & Verna Schneider

Thanks to: POOL7

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Verein Freifall
