Experimental | Shortfilm
7 min 18 sec
„What does it mean to be stone?“
Inspired by the time-worn Tyrolean legend surrounding Frau Hitt, a famous mountain peak in Innsbruck, the dance film Steinsgebilden explores concepts of hardness, punishment, and atonement cinematically and choreographically. Centered around the question, „What does it mean to ‘be stone’?“,the film, choreography and performance of acrobat, dancer, and choreographer Verena Schneider, invites viewers to soften the perceived rigidity of images and stereotypes. It encourages viewers to shift perspectives and soften parts of themselves in order to break free from societal or religiously influenced beliefs.
esearch project that intensely explores the intersection of contemporary circus, dance, performance, and installation and develops a dispostif for a solo stage piece as well as an exhibition accompagnied by short performances in collaborations adaptable for all spaces.
Concept & Performance: Verena Schneider
Text: Linda Müller, Katharina Schaller
Camera: Samira Fux
Postproduction: Maria Lisa Pichler
Sound: Maria Lisa Pichler
Supported by: Stadtpotenziale Innsbruck (Letters to (y)our future city)
Production: Verein Freifall
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Verein Freifall